This fall senior session is full of color and life! It is a great collaboration between subject and photographer. One artist with a vision for colorful fall senior portraits and one with an artistic vision to execute it. Plus a little bit of fall magic thrown in. Meet my gorgeous friend Carrie-Anne. She’s graduating from Charlotte Catholic High School in late May and heading to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in the fall.
Carrie-Anne is an artist, painter, scholar, bookworm and Girl Scout. Honestly, the list goes on and on. She’s very accomplished as evidenced by her outstanding academic record. Carrie-Anne had several great college acceptances but always came back to Chapel Hill. It’s no wonder. It’s an amazing school. Plus I think she looks great in Carolina blue! See her gorgeous blue shirt paired with the orange fall foliage below. It’s almost Carolina blue and probably a huge influencer in her decision 😉
“Future Van Gogh” – The Artist and Painter
The Catholic Senior Class recently honored Carrie-Anne with the superlative “Future Van Gogh”. She has always loved art, especially painting. She is currently taking AP Studio Art and took classes at Holt School of Fine Art for six years. During those years, she worked on many murals throughout our community. She most recently completed a mural at Catholic with one of her friends. It is a huge set of wings with hidden treasures throughout. The artwork is part of the #whatliftsyouup murals. What a huge accomplishment and amazing gift for her school. Over the years, Carrie-Anne has won many art awards including Scholastic Silver Keys, which are typically displayed at Charlotte’s Mint Museum for several months during the award-winning year.
The Bookworm and Girl Scout
Carrie-Anne is in her 13th year of scouting. This year she earned her Girl Scout Gold Award. The Gold Award is the highest achievement within the Girl Scouts of the USA, earned by Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts. Only 5.4% of eligible Girl Scouts successfully earn the Gold Award. Her project Kindness Through Literacy involved collecting over 500 new books for a nearby elementary school. She also gave each teacher a book club box that included copies of the book, worksheets, coloring pages and educational material relating to the grade appropriate book. Her hope is to stimulate the students love of reading while presenting books to them in a fun and engaging manner.
Carrie-Anne loves to read. And she loves the floor to ceiling bookcases in her room! She has read over 100 books this year. She is an active member of her school book club and currently serves as the club’s president.
Carrie-Anne will graduate from Charlotte Catholic on Friday, May 28th. She and her family are very thankful for an in-person graduation at Bojangles Coliseum. Some of her favorite senior memories include actually attending school in person and her recent Spring Break beach trip with friends. This summer she plans to work part time, hopefully travel and definitely read more books. I’d like a Top 3 list from her for my summer reading!
Fall Senior Portraits
And now her gorgeous fall senior portraits! I used her favorite images from our session for this post. It’s no surprise that all of her favorites are color. She’s a girl after my own heart! I loved working with you Carrie-Anne. Thank you for trusting me to bring your vision to life. I love that three of your favorites include your mom. I know she loves that too. She’s so proud of you! I can’t wait to see how you change the world and where you leave your artistic touch next.