His senior portrait session was just last month and now he’s a freshman at North Carolina State University. Jackson – We all miss you but we know you are right where you are meant to be at NC State. I hope you get to stay. Seriously. COVID-19 keeps throwing these kids one curve ball after another and as I write this post – sharing all about Jackson’s amazing high school accomplishments and his first few weeks in college – I can’t help but think, I hope you get to stay.
Most of you probably know Jackson already. He’s an amazing big brother to all, especially his own siblings and my children who adopted him many years ago. He is everyone’s favorite camp counselor (whether he’s actually at camp or not) and he keeps the peace better than anyone I know. I’ve seen him take four entirely different – and often conflicting – activity requests and magically suggest the one thing that makes everyone happy. He is very patient and he exudes this calm, cool leadership that makes all the kids fall in line. Those were the days.
Earlier this summer, Jackson graduated from James Madison High School in Vienna, Virginia. His family moved from Charlotte to Vienna during his high school years. Jackson achieved Honor Roll all four years and Math Honor Society his last three years. He was given the STEM Award his freshman and sophomore years, and even more impressive, the senior superlative of “Best to bring home to the parents.” If you know Jackson, then you know someone nailed that!
Along with his strong academics, Jackson was a Young Life Capernaum leader for three years. He was also Captain of his travel soccer team for three seasons and played Varsity Frisbee for several years. Jackson loved his time at James Madison. His favorite senior memory was joining his friends to watch the sunrise on their first day of school and then gathering again on graduation day to watch the sun come up again.
Now he’s officially a college man. Classes started at NC State on August 10th and Jackson is studying engineering with a mechanical intent. He is also hoping to pursue a Masters Degree in either business or engineering. Since he’s well into his second week of school, I thought it might be fun to hear about his college experience thus far. Enjoy my interview with the one and only Jackson W!
Abbe: What’s been the best moment of first few weeks?
Jackson: Honestly, the best moments have just been hanging out (vibing as we say). I’ve been able to meet a lot of people by just going outside and seeing who is throwing the frisbee or playing spikeball. The freedom to have time has been the best part.
A: Do you have a favorite spot on campus?
J: The field outside my dorm. It’s a great spot to meet up with people, play spikeball, throw the frisbee or even just sit and talk.
A: Do you have a favorite class so far?
J: I’ve only had it once but my engineering teacher seems really fun. I’m very excited to learn from him.
A: What’s your earliest class time?
J: 8:30 am Calculus on Monday/Wednesday/Friday (but it’s asynchronous so I can really do it whenever). So far I’ve gotten up around 8 most week days. I usually go to breakfast and start working around 9.
A: Have you had any tests yet? If so, did you pass? lol
J: No tests yet but lots of quizzes. I had an English essay due the second day of class. I’ve gotten As on everything so far.
A: How is the food?
J: The dining hall is near my dorm so I’ve eaten most of my meals there. I enjoy the food, though it gets a little old eating the same thing every day. The soft serve ice cream changes daily though! It’s not bad food but it’s definitely not my mom’s cooking.
A: Have you identified the worst thing in the cafeteria yet?
J: The corn for sure. I don’t know why but it just doesn’t taste right.
A: Have you learned anything new about NC State since being on campus?
J: The school’s original colors were pink and blue.
A: How many times have you eaten pizza so far?
J: Actually only once.
A: Does the AC work in your dorm?
J: Yes it might work too well! It’s a little cold but my roommate and I have decided to wear sweatshirts when needed instead of touching the AC. We don’t want to jinx it.
A: What’s the one thing you can’t live without in your dorm?
J: My lamp is actually really nice and so are the extension cords but the carpet may take the cake. It gives us a nice place to sit. It’s also comfy, looks nice and takes away the blank space.
A: Is there something you need that you didn’t bring?
J: I actually forgot my cleats so my mom mailed them to me. She and I did a great job of packing, so we didn’t miss much. A small drawstring bag would probably be a good thing to have as well.
I guess we need to send the poor college kid a small drawstring bag! Thank you Jackson for the peek into college life!
Now for what you came to see in the first place, Jackson’s senior portrait session. His family moved back to Charlotte this past June and I photographed them all at Independence Park in mid July. Here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy seeing this handsome guy with his amazing family.
I’ve already started photographing my Class of 2021 Seniors and will begin sharing their senior portrait sessions soon. In the meantime, if you would like to see more senior pictures, please visit my senior portfolio or view other senior sessions currently on the blog.