Halloween photos are my favorite. I have some great costumed pictures of my own family over the years here and here. But when I get to put my professional hat on and photograph another family in costume, the creative wheels really start churning!
My long-time clients contacted me a few months ago with a wild idea to update their Halloween decor with haunted family photos. They love Halloween and they go all out decorating both inside and outside their Charlotte home. One look at the professional Halloween photos below and you’ll understand what I mean by all out. Both Mom and Dad are Disney alums and the entire family loves theater, so needless say I jumped at the chance to help bring their vision to life. I knew they would summon their best undead game for this haunted photo session.
Their oldest daughter created the entire ghastly look for the family. She is a student at Northwest School of the Arts and recently fell in love with makeup artistry. She is uber talented as both a makeup artist and a performer, but the whole time I was face to face with this creepy crew I kept thinking, “I can’t believe I get to photograph one of her first projects! This girl is going to win all the major awards one day!”
Thank you Sario Family for entrusting me with your vision and inviting me to be a part of the process. Creative collaboration is truly a joy with you all. I love what we made together.
Please contact me in 2021 if you are interested in professional Halloween photos of your family. It’s a great way to document this fun holiday and add variety to your family pictures and albums.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone!