Award winning news! Abbe McCracken Photography was recently awarded a Master Certification in Senior Photography from the National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP). As one of only 16 recipients worldwide, it’s kind of a big deal. I’m so incredibly honored and so happy to be sharing this news.
To become a NAPCP Master Photographer, members must submit a portfolio of 25 images in the chosen category. Yes only 25 pictures. That may sound easy but let me tell you . . . IT IS NOT. I have photographed so many amazing high school seniors over the years. My first attempt at picking my favorite 25 was more like 125. Seriously. I always start portfolio building by pulling my own favorites, then I narrow down based on the specific entry requirements.
Requirements for Mastery of Senior Photography
For NAPCP’s Master Certification, it was required that each artist’s style be apparent while at the same time showing a very diverse portfolio of 25 senior portraits. Every single image had to have a completely different subject(s), pose, scene and overall feel. At least 20 of the images submitted could be of only one subject, the high school senior. And a maximum of 5 images were allowed to contain more than one subject. For me, those 5 included senior portraits with parents, pets and friends.
To achieve Mastery, each artist needed to show a wide variety of images consistent in skill with various lighting scenarios, subject variety and overall settings. Portfolios were scored according to consistency and technical skill.
Mastery is Milestone of Artistic and Business Success
For me being awarded a Master Certification in Senior Photography is a huge milestone of artistic and business success. It’s one of the best ways to celebrate my breadth of work and longevity in the industry. Working with high school seniors brings me such joy and exhibiting mastery in this specific niche of photography is a huge honor.
I don’t always make time to apply for certifications and/or enter photography contests. In fact, I rarely do. My love of my work and my clients’ amazing feedback is always enough. But every now and then, it’s nice (and even fun for us competitive types) to have other professionals critique our work. Ultimately being chosen as one of only 16 NAPCP Master Senior Photographers worldwide is a really amazing feeling. Makes me feel a little like a Jedi Master . . . sorry we are deep into The Mandalorian at my house.
My Master Certification in Senior Photography was awarded in December 2020 and is valid for three years. NAPCP offers Master Photography Certifications in five other categories as well. Members can only apply for certification during the specified dates for each category. Last year I only submitted a portfolio for the Senior Photography category. In 2021, I plan to apply for mastery in several additional categories. Stay tuned!
The National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP) is a member-based association representing and promoting the community of professional child and family photographers.
The NAPCP Master Photographer Certification Program rewards members by acknowledging their excellence in the craft of professional photography. The NAPCP evaluation panel is constantly reviewing hundreds of images submitted in portfolios before awarding Mastery certificates in each category.